name meanings

Names Errol Thru Florence

Name Meanings > Errol to Florence

The following names are the most common names between Errol and Florence which have been given to babies in the USA during the last hundred years (1905 through 2004).  The referenced rank and count values are based on Social Security Administration counts for the one thousand most popular names given as first names in each of these years.  This list and other similar lists on this site can help you find the meaning of many popular and unusual first names.

Baby Name Meanings - Errol thru Florence

  • Errol is an unusual Scottish boy's name and is derived from the name of an area in Scotland.
  • Ervin is a common boy's name and is a variation of Irvin.
  • Erwin is a common English boy's name that means boar or friend.
  • Esmeralda is a common Spanish girl's name that means emerald.
  • Esteban is a common Spanish boy's name and is an alternate form of Stephen.
  • Estella is a common Old Provencal girl's name that means star.
  • Estelle is a common Old Provencal girl's name that means star.
  • Esther is a popular Persian girl's name that means star.
  • Estrella is a very unusual Spanish girl's name and is an alternate form of Stella.
  • Ethan is a popular Hebrew boy's name that means strength.
  • Ethel is a popular Old English girl's name that means noble.
  • Etta is a common girl's name and is a diminutive form of Henrietta.
  • Eugene is a popular Greek boy's name that means wellborn.
  • Eugenia is a common girl's name and is a feminine form of Eugene.
  • Eugenie is a very unusual girl's name and is a feminine form of Eugene.
  • Eula is a common English girl's name and is an alternate form of Eulalia.
  • Eulalia is a very unusual Greek girl's name that means to talk well.
  • Eunice is a common Greek girl's name that means having happy victory.
  • Eva is a popular girl's name and is a variation of Eve.
  • Evan is a popular Welsh boy's name that means God is good.
  • Evangeline is an unusual Greek girl's name that means bringing good news.
  • Eve is a common Hebrew girl's name that means life or living.
  • Evelyn is a popular Old French girl's name that means hazelnut.
  • Everett is a common surname boy's name and may be derived from a surname.
  • Ezekiel is a common Hebrew boy's name that means God strengthens.
  • Ezequiel is an unusual Spanish boy's name and is an alternate form of Ezekiel.
  • Ezra is a common Hebrew boy's name that means help.
  • Fabian is a common German boy's name and is derived from the name of a Roman family.
  • Faith is a common English girl's name that means faith.
  • Fannie is a common English girl's name and is a diminutive form of Frances.
  • Fatima is a common Arabic girl's name that means to abstain.
  • Fay is a common girl's name and is a diminutive form of Faith.
  • Faye is a common girl's name and is a diminutive form of Faith.
  • Felice is a very unusual Latin girl's name that means happiness.
  • Felicia is a common Latin girl's name and is a feminine form of Felix.
  • Felicity is a very unusual English girl's name that means happiness.
  • Felipe is a common Spanish boy's name and is an alternate form of Philip.
  • Felix is a common Latin boy's name that means happy or prosperous.
  • Ferdinand is an unusual Germanic boy's name that means venture of a military expedition.
  • Fern is a common English girl's name that means fern.
  • Fernanda is a very unusual Spanish girl's name and is a feminine form of Ferdinand.
  • Fernando is a common Spanish boy's name that means brave traveler.
  • Ferne is a very unusual English girl's name that means fern.
  • Finn is a very unusual Scandinavian boy's name that means person from Finland.
  • Fiona is an unusual Irish girl's name that means vine.
  • Fletcher is an unusual English boy's name that means one who makes arrows.
  • Flora is a common Latin girl's name that means goddess of flowers.
  • Florence is a popular Latin girl's name that means bloom or prosperity.

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First Name Meanings