name meanings

Names Brigitte Thru Carey

Name Meanings > Brigitte to Carey

The following names are the most common names between Brigitte and Carey which have been given to babies in the USA during the last hundred years (1905 through 2004).  The referenced rank and count values are based on Social Security Administration counts for the one thousand most popular names given as first names in each of these years.  This list and other similar lists on this site can help you find the meaning of many popular and unusual first names.

Baby Name Meanings - Brigitte thru Carey

  • Brigitte is a very unusual German girl's name and is a variation of Bridget.
  • Britney is a common English girl's name and is a variation of Brittany.
  • Brittani is a common Modern English girl's name and is a variation of Brittany.
  • Brittany is a popular English girl's name and is derived from the name of a region in northwestern France.
  • Brittney is a common English girl's name and is a variation of Brittany.
  • Brock is a common Old English boy's name that means badger.
  • Brody is a common Gaelic boy's name that means ditch.
  • Brooke is a popular English girl's name and is a variation of Brook.
  • Brooklyn is a common English girl's name and is a combination of Brook and the suffix lyn.
  • Brooklynn is an unusual English girl's name and is an alternate form of Brooklyn.
  • Brooks is a common English boy's name that means brook or stream.
  • Bruce is a popular English boy's name that means thick brush.
  • Bruno is an unusual Italian boy's name that means brown.
  • Bryan is a popular Celtic boy's name and is a variation of Brian.
  • Bryanna is a common English girl's name and is a feminine form of Brian.
  • Bryant is a common English boy's name and is a variation of Brian.
  • Bryce is a common Celtic boy's name and is of unknown meaning.
  • Brynn is an unusual Welsh girl's name that means hill or mound.
  • Bryson is a common Welsh boy's name that means speckled.
  • Buddy is a common English boy's name that means friend.
  • Buford is an unusual surname boy's name and may be derived from a surname.
  • Burke is a very unusual French boy's name that means fortress dweller.
  • Burt is an unusual boy's name and is a diminutive form of Burton.
  • Burton is a common English boy's name that means fort.
  • Byron is a common English boy's name that means cow barn.
  • Cade is a common Old English boy's name that means round.
  • Caden is a common English boy's name and is of unknown meaning.
  • Cadence is a very unusual English girl's name that means rhythm or flow.
  • Caiden is a very unusual English boy's name and is a variation of Caden.
  • Cailin is a very unusual boys name or girls name which, in its more common form as a girl's name, means girl.
  • Caitlin is a common Irish girl's name and is an alternate form of Katherine.
  • Caitlyn is a common Irish girl's name and is a variation of Caitlin.
  • Caleb is a popular Hebrew boy's name that means dog.
  • Callie is a common English girl's name and is an alternate form of Callista.
  • Callista is a very unusual boys name or girls name which, in its more common form as a girl's name, is a feminine form of Callistus.
  • Calvin is a popular English boy's name that means bald.
  • Camden is an unusual Old English boy's name that means enclosed valley.
  • Cameron is a popular Gaelic boy's name that means crooked river.
  • Camila is a very unusual Spanish girl's name and is an alternate form of Camilla.
  • Camilla is an unusual Latin girl's name that means freeborn girl attendant at a sacrifice.
  • Camille is a common French girl's name and is a variation of Camilla.
  • Camron is an unusual English boy's name and is a variation of Cameron.
  • Camryn is a common Scottish girl's name and is a variation of Cameron.
  • Candace is a common Greek girl's name that means royal title used by Ethiopian queens.
  • Candice is a common English girl's name and is a variation of Candace.
  • Candy is a common English girl's name and is a diminutive form of Candace.
  • Cara is a common English girl's name that means beloved or friend.
  • Carey is a common Welsh boy's name that means near a castle.

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First Name Meanings