name meanings

Names Ardelle Thru Barbara

Name Meanings > Ardelle to Barbara

The following names are the most common names between Ardelle and Barbara which have been given to babies in the USA during the last hundred years (1905 through 2004).  The referenced rank and count values are based on Social Security Administration counts for the one thousand most popular names given as first names in each of these years.  This list and other similar lists on this site can help you find the meaning of many popular and unusual first names.

Baby Name Meanings - Ardelle thru Barbara

  • Ardelle is a very unusual girl's name and is a variation of Adele.
  • Arden is a very unusual Celtic boy's name that means eager.
  • Ardis is an unusual Latin girl's name that means fervent.
  • Arely is a very unusual French girl's name and is an alternate form of Aurelie.
  • Ariana is a common English girl's name and is a variation of Ariane.
  • Arianna is a common English girl's name and is a variation of Ariana.
  • Ariel is a common Hebrew girl's name that means lion of God.
  • Arielle is a common Hebrew girl's name and is a feminine form of Ariel.
  • Arleen is a common English girl's name and is a variation of Arlene.
  • Arlen is a very unusual Gaelic boy's name that means pledge.
  • Arlene is a popular English girl's name that means pledge.
  • Arlin is a very unusual Gaelic boy's name that means pledge.
  • Arline is a common English girl's name and is a variation of Arlene.
  • Arlo is a very unusual Spanish boy's name that means bayberry tree.
  • Armand is a common German boy's name that means man of the army.
  • Armando is a common Spanish boy's name and is a variation of Herman.
  • Arne is a very unusual Scandinavian boy's name that means eagle.
  • Arnold is a common Germanic boy's name that means power of an eagle.
  • Arthur is a popular Celtic boy's name that means bear or rock.
  • Arturo is a common Italian boy's name and is an alternate form of Arthur.
  • Arvid is a very unusual Scandinavian boy's name that means eagle forest.
  • Ashanti is an unusual Swahili girl's name and is derived from the name of a tribe in southern Ghana.
  • Asher is a very unusual Hebrew boy's name that means happy or blessed.
  • Ashlee is a common Modern English girl's name and is a feminine form of Ashley.
  • Ashleigh is a common Modern English girl's name and is a variation of Ashley.
  • Ashley is a popular Old English girl's name that means ash tree clearing.
  • Ashlyn is a common English girl's name and is a combination of Ashley and the suffix Lyn.
  • Ashlynn is an unusual English girl's name and is a variation of Ashlyn.
  • Ashton is a common boy name or girl name which, in its more common form as a boy's name, means ash tree town.
  • Asia is a common Modern English girl's name that means Asia.
  • Aspen is a very unusual Old English girl's name and is derived from the name of the aspen tree.
  • Astrid is a very unusual Scandinavian girl's name that means beautiful as a deity.
  • Athena is a common Greek girl's name and is derived from the name of the mythological god of wisdom.
  • Aubrey is a common boy name or girl name which, in its more common form as a girl's name, means elf power.
  • Audrey is a popular Old English girl's name that means noble strength.
  • August is a common Latin boy's name that means august or majestic.
  • Aurora is a common Latin girl's name that means dawn.
  • Austin is a popular boy's name and is an alternate form of Augustine.
  • Autumn is a common English girl's name that means the season of Autumn.
  • Ava is a common English girl's name and is a variation of Eve.
  • Avery is a common boy name or girl name which, in its more common form as a boy's name, may be derived from a surname.
  • Axel is an unusual Scandinavian boy's name and is an alternate form of Absalom.
  • Ayanna is an unusual African girl's name that means beautiful flower.
  • Ayden is an unusual boy's name and is a variation of Aiden.
  • Babette is a very unusual French girl's name and is a diminutive form of Elizabeth.
  • Bailee is an unusual Modern English girl's name and is a variation of Bailey.
  • Bailey is a common Middle English girl's name that means bailiff.
  • Barbara is a very popular Greek girl's name that means foreign.

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First Name Meanings