name meanings

Names Vaughn Thru Wiley

Name Meanings > Vaughn to Wiley

The following names are the most common names between Vaughn and Wiley which have been given to babies in the USA during the last hundred years (1905 through 2004).  The referenced rank and count values are based on Social Security Administration counts for the one thousand most popular names given as first names in each of these years.  This list and other similar lists on this site can help you find the meaning of many popular and unusual first names.

Baby Name Meanings - Vaughn thru Wiley

  • Vaughn is a common Welsh boy's name that means small.
  • Velma is a common English girl's name and is a variation of Wilma.
  • Vera is a popular Russian girl's name that means faith.
  • Vern is an unusual boy's name and is an alternate form of Vernon.
  • Verna is a common girl's name and is a feminine form of Vernon.
  • Verne is a very unusual boy's name and is an alternate form of Vernon.
  • Vernon is a popular French boy's name that means alder tree.
  • Veronica is a popular Late Latin girl's name that means true image.
  • Vicente is a common Spanish boy's name and is an alternate form of Vincent.
  • Vicki is a popular girl's name and is a diminutive form of Victoria.
  • Vickie is a popular girl's name and is a diminutive form of Victoria.
  • Vicky is a common girl's name and is a diminutive form of Victoria.
  • Victor is a popular Latin boy's name that means conqueror.
  • Victoria is a popular Latin girl's name that means victory.
  • Vida is an unusual girl's name and is a feminine diminutive form of David.
  • Vincent is a popular Latin boy's name that means to conquer.
  • Viola is a popular Latin girl's name that means violet.
  • Violet is a common Old French girl's name that means violet.
  • Virgil is a common Latin boy's name and is of unknown meaning.
  • Virginia is a popular Latin girl's name that means virgin.
  • Vivian is a popular Late Latin girl's name that means full of life.
  • Viviana is a common Italian girl's name and is an alternate form of Vivian.
  • Vladimir is a very unusual boys name or girls name which, in its more common form as a girl's name, may be derived from a surname.
  • Wade is a common English boy's name that means to cross a river.
  • Waldo is a very unusual German boy's name that means strong.
  • Walker is a common English boy's name that means a fuller of cloth.
  • Wallace is a common Scottish boy's name that means one from Wales.
  • Wallis is a very unusual boys name or girls name which, in its more common form as a girl's name, may be derived from a surname.
  • Walter is a popular Germanic boy's name that means ruler of the people.
  • Walton is a very unusual English boy's name that means walled town.
  • Wanda is a popular Polish girl's name that means wanderer.
  • Ward is a common English boy's name that means observer.
  • Warner is a very unusual surname boy's name and may be derived from a surname.
  • Warren is a popular German boy's name that means protector friend.
  • Wayne is a popular English boy's name that means wagon maker.
  • Weldon is a common English boy's name that means well near a hill.
  • Wendell is a common German boy's name that means wanderer.
  • Wendy is a popular English girl's name that means fair.
  • Werner is a very unusual Germanic boy's name that means defending army.
  • Wesley is a popular English boy's name that means Western meadow.
  • Weston is a common English boy's name that means west town.
  • Whitney is a common English girl's name that means white island.
  • Wilber is a very unusual German boy's name and is a variation of Wilbur.
  • Wilbert is a common German boy's name and is a variation of Wilbur.
  • Wilbur is a common German boy's name that means brilliant.
  • Wilburn is an unusual surname boy's name and may be derived from a surname.
  • Wilda is a common girl's name and is a variation of Willa.
  • Wiley is a common English boy's name that means water meadow.

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First Name Meanings