name meanings

Names Keaton Thru Kobe

Name Meanings > Keaton to Kobe

The following names are the most common names between Keaton and Kobe which have been given to babies in the USA during the last hundred years (1905 through 2004).  The referenced rank and count values are based on Social Security Administration counts for the one thousand most popular names given as first names in each of these years.  This list and other similar lists on this site can help you find the meaning of many popular and unusual first names.

Baby Name Meanings - Keaton thru Kobe

  • Keaton is an unusual Old English boy's name that means shed town.
  • Keegan is a common Gaelic boy's name that means descendent of Aodhagan.
  • Keenan is a common Irish boy's name and is an alternate form of Cianan.
  • Keira is a very unusual English girl's name and is a variation of Kiera.
  • Keisha is a common Modern English girl's name and is of unknown meaning.
  • Keith is a popular Scottish boy's name that means forest.
  • Kellen is an unusual German boy's name that means swamp.
  • Kelley is a common English girl's name and is a variation of Kelly.
  • Kelli is a common English girl's name and is a variation of Kelly.
  • Kellie is a common English girl's name and is a variation of Kelly.
  • Kelly is a popular Irish girl's name and is of unknown meaning.
  • Kelsey is a popular girl's name and may be derived from a surname.
  • Kelsie is a common English girl's name and is a variation of Kelsey.
  • Kelvin is a common Scottish boy's name that means narrow water.
  • Ken is a common boy's name and is a diminutive form of Kenneth.
  • Kendal is a very unusual English girl's name and is a variation of Kendall.
  • Kendall is a common boy name or girl name which, in its more common form as a boy's name, may be derived from a surname.
  • Kendra is a common English girl's name and is a feminine form of Kendrick.
  • Kendrick is a common English boy's name and is of unknown meaning.
  • Kennedy is a common Gaelic girl's name that means armoured head.
  • Kenneth is a very popular Scottish Gaelic boy's name that means handsome.
  • Kenny is a common English boy's name and is a diminutive form of Kenneth.
  • Kent is a common English boy's name and is derived from the name of a county in England.
  • Kenton is an unusual English boy's name that means town of kings.
  • Kenya is a common Modern English girl's name and is derived from the name of an African country.
  • Keri is a common English girl's name and is a variation of Kerry.
  • Kermit is a common Irish boy's name that means free of jealousy.
  • Kerri is a common English girl's name and is a feminine form of Kerry.
  • Kerry is a common boy name or girl name which, in its more common form as a boy's name, is derived from the name of a county in Ireland.
  • Kevin is a very popular Irish boy's name that means handsome.
  • Khalil is an unusual Arabic boy's name that means friend.
  • Kiana is a common Hawaiian girl's name and is an alternate form of Diana.
  • Kiara is a common English girl's name and is a variation of Ciara.
  • Kiera is an unusual Irish girl's name and is an alternate form of Ciara.
  • Kieran is a very unusual Irish boy's name and is an alternate form of Ciaran.
  • Kierra is a common girl's name and is an alternate form of Ciara.
  • Kiersten is an unusual Danish girl's name and is a variation of Kirsten.
  • Kiley is an unusual Modern English girl's name and is a variation of Kylie.
  • Kim is a popular English girl's name and is a diminutive form of Kimberly.
  • Kimberley is a common English girl's name and is a variation of Kimberly.
  • Kimberly is a popular English girl's name and is derived from the name of a city in South Africa.
  • Kira is a common Russian girl's name and is an alternate form of Kyra.
  • Kirby is a common English boy's name that means village of the church.
  • Kirk is a common Norwegian boy's name that means church.
  • Kirsten is a common Scandinavian girl's name and is an alternate form of Christina.
  • Kitty is an unusual girl's name and is a diminutive form of Catherine.
  • Klaus is a very unusual boys name or girls name which, in its more common form as a girl's name, may be derived from a surname.
  • Kobe is an unusual boy's name and is of unknown meaning.

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First Name Meanings